81.   Clubb, for example, read from his diary during a hearing.

82.   Correspondents read from photocopies and computer screens, censoring the explicit details as they went along, embracing euphemisms as they tangled with the English language and public acceptability.

83.   Critics and supporters mostly read from prepared statements, speaking to a largely empty chamber.

84.   Dissenting Justice Stephen G. Breyer read from his dissent in open court, an indication of an overwhelming difference of opinion with the ruling.

85.   Defense lawyers argued that she should simply read from a version that had been approved by a panel of judges in the Fifth Circuit, which includes Houston.

86.   Dole has seemed relaxed, more willing to read from a teleprompter, less inclined to undercut his prepackaged message with cloudbursts of candor.

87.   Democrats, reading from the same Constitution, voiced diametrically opposite conclusions, and attacked the fairness of the proceedings that culminated Saturday.

88.   During his Passover service, Zeilicovich will read from the new commentary and expand on statements from Exodus.

89.   During Mass, Edelen read from the passage in James admonishing the rich who store up treasures on Earth.

90.   DVD drives will be much more attractive once a computer can write to them as well as read from them.

v. + from >>共 1015
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read + p. >>共 74
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at 3.72%
by 3.42%
with 3.01%
of 2.10%
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