81.   Judging from Eurodollar futures, or dollars on deposit outside the U.S., a shrinking number of investors foresee higher central bank rates by the end of the year.

82.   Judging from Eurodollar futures, or dollars on deposit outside the U.S., many foresee higher rates by the end of the year.

83.   Johnson said he expects the Fed to raise rates by another quarter of a percentage point in May, when its policy makers next meet.

84.   Judging by the futures on Eurodollars, or dollars on deposit outside the country -- investors see higher rates by the fall.

85.   Kemp said the commission will come up with a suggested rate by late November.

86.   Judging by trading in financial futures markets, the Fed may not raise the overnight rate by September, either.

87.   LaSalle is able to offer higher rates by having its Dutch parent company, ABN-Amro Bank, enter into a derivatives contract on its behalf.

88.   Last year, New Jersey Transit averaged fewer than one accident per million miles traveled, the lowest rate by an American railroad.

89.   Last month, Whitman revived her plan to cut auto insurance rates by allowing consumers to reduce their level of coverage.

90.   Many business people are protesting the stubbornly high rates by spending extra time on the road or booking in advance to cut their travel costs.

n. + by >>共 1516
effort 1.42%
attack 1.37%
attempt 1.07%
decision 1.01%
visit 0.94%
report 0.85%
year 0.79%
move 0.69%
investigation 0.63%
action 0.59%
rate 0.15%
rate + p. >>共 91
in 22.46%
for 21.97%
on 9.54%
than 6.96%
at 4.92%
by 4.70%
to 4.41%
among 3.84%
as 3.59%
from 2.11%
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