81.   The Nation Group, whose principal shareholder is the Aga Kahn, publishes several newspapers, including the flagship Daily Nation.

82.   The newspaper is published by the Communist Party and its article might be meant to head off student protests.

83.   The newspaper is published by the military, and its contents are approved by senior commanders.

84.   The Nation Group, whose principal shareholder is the Aga Khan, publishes several newspapers, including the flagship Daily Nation.

85.   The newspaper is published by the State Economy and Trade Commission, a key central government body in formulating economic policy.

86.   The newspaper is licensed in Cyprus because Egyptian laws only allow the government or official opposition parties to publish newspapers.

87.   The newspaper is published by the Tagamua Party, which won five seats in the recent Parliament elections.

88.   The newspaper is published in the provincial capital of Guangzhou.

89.   The respected Arabic-language newspaper is published in London and circulated throughout the Arab world.

90.   The South Cairo Court dismissed the suit in February, saying it lacked jurisdiction and the case should have been filed in London where the newspaper is published.

v. + newspaper >>共 438
report 15.65%
say 12.14%
read 11.45%
tell 4.86%
publish 3.09%
sell 2.64%
own 2.04%
fill 1.95%
close 1.83%
deliver 1.80%
publish + n. >>共 641
book 8.80%
report 6.13%
article 4.67%
result 4.03%
study 2.72%
story 2.66%
finding 2.49%
list 2.26%
name 2.10%
letter 1.80%
newspaper 1.50%
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