81.   The local authority can and should provide services under Part III to support the placement where appropriate.

82.   The bottom line is, that if you are having to use Council enforcement to repay interest, you cannot spend the same Council tax revenues in providing services.

83.   It gives local authorities an additional one hundred million pounds to spend when the low level of inflation is helping them keep down the cost of providing their services.

84.   Mr Mayor we all want to provide quality services by this council.

85.   Critics fear tomorrows changes in community care will mean some councils cope better than others in providing a service, so more people will slip through the net.

86.   Now from his base on the Brunner Mond site in Northwich he provides services for companies, and his clients also include the army.

87.   The service has been provided with the support of Gwynedd County Council and funding from the Welsh Office.

88.   And half say they would be more likely to buy from a shop that provided this service.

89.   The service has been provided with the support of Gwynedd County Council and Welsh Office funding.

90.   Coun Carr said Cleveland was the only county in which bus services were provided free to those who qualified for bus passes.

v. + service >>共 614
provide 12.54%
offer 10.54%
hold 3.62%
attend 3.15%
improve 2.69%
use 2.55%
sell 1.99%
disrupt 1.36%
expand 1.31%
restore 1.30%
provide + n. >>共 996
detail 6.39%
information 4.94%
service 4.41%
support 2.30%
evidence 1.86%
assistance 1.63%
security 1.54%
money 1.50%
protection 1.39%
opportunity 1.33%
每页显示:    共 2000