81.   But administration officials said Monday that they had dropped that idea after hearing protests from advocates for people with mental illness.

82.   But Falk said another reason to make the gay channel a pay channel was that it would eliminate any potential protest from those who might oppose the content.

83.   But in recent months, the government has cracked down on them, prompting protests from Amnesty International and international journalism organizations.

84.   But his remark provoked protests from graybeards, such as one-eyed, four-toothed Haji Khadimir, listening to the conversation.

85.   But his ruling spurred protests from child-development specialists.

86.   But last year, in a bow to protests from the Republican borough, Mayor Rudolph Giuliani closed Fresh Kills before the city had adequate alternatives in place.

87.   But news that Clinton would lift these bans prompted anger and protests from Cuban exiles here.

88.   But on Sunday, both organizations decided to cancel the combined practices after strong protests from players on both teams.

89.   But protests from advocates for animal rights and concerns that giving humans animal organs could unleash another AIDS virus have heightened the controversy over cross-species transplants.

90.   But rolling back policies that had a relatively mild impact to begin with could stir political trouble, drawing protests from coalitions of community groups across the country.

n. + from >>共 1445
pressure 1.27%
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official 1.10%
report 0.90%
people 0.87%
comment 0.84%
help 0.79%
call 0.72%
criticism 0.58%
protest 0.31%
protest + p. >>共 62
against 19.30%
in 14.82%
from 12.27%
by 11.17%
over 6.82%
at 6.63%
of 4.35%
to 3.67%
with 2.97%
on 2.75%
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