81.   Maier, double world super giant slalom champion, broke her neck when she hit a timing post which the prosecution alleges was wrongly sited.

82.   The blood on the mattress was too old to be positively identified, the court had heard, although the prosecution alleged it was that of Figard.

83.   The guards brutally beat the detainees on a daily basis and many died from the abuse, the prosecution alleges.

84.   The prosecution alleged he was spying for Japan, but Pasko has insisted that the information was already in the public domain.

n. + allege >>共 392
prosecutor 12.68%
suit 7.65%
lawsuit 6.00%
report 3.86%
indictment 3.79%
government 3.43%
official 3.04%
prosecution 3.00%
authority 2.97%
police 2.93%
prosecution + v. >>共 376
say 11.78%
be 9.28%
have 4.72%
allege 3.39%
ask 2.74%
contend 2.62%
argue 2.62%
claim 2.46%
seek 2.14%
fail 2.14%
每页显示:    共 84