81.   The proposal includes looking at a range of levels, instead of just one, and changing advertising requirements for tobacco companies.

82.   The proposal includes many wise provisions.

83.   The proposal includes ways to make sure competing power companies do business in the existing monopolies service areas.

84.   The proposals include federal subsidies to the states, tax credits for the working poor and expansions of eligibility under Medicaid.

85.   The proposals include the creation of a new elected Ulster legislature.

86.   The proposals included aggressive campaigns that used not only the foreign news media and Internet but also covert operations, military officials said.

87.   The proposals included mostly taxes and accounting adjustments, and made only small cuts in government spending.

88.   The proposals may include an increase in the value-added tax and removal of some exemptions from the tax.

89.   The proposal could include train lines through Montgomery County.

90.   The proposal includes a number of provisions calling for states to take over management of federal forests.

n. + include >>共 1161
package 1.87%
group 1.67%
list 1.51%
plan 1.49%
measure 1.18%
figure 1.13%
speaker 1.10%
symptom 1.06%
coverage 0.91%
dead 0.87%
proposal 0.58%
proposal + v. >>共 741
be 24.64%
have 3.88%
include 3.54%
call 3.13%
come 2.67%
go 2.34%
allow 2.13%
require 1.99%
draw 1.54%
give 1.37%
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