81.   This political rhetoric would lead one to suppose that the subsequent proposals would be of an equally clear political substance.

82.   The proposal was to build a new Flying Flea from scratch.

83.   The ICA considered the proposal to be desirable in principle, but acknowledged that the cost implications could be significant for sole practitioners.

84.   The proposals were relatively brief and only suggestive of how future work might proceed.

85.   The proposals are now part of civil law, and every year, the packaging industry will set out its plans and achievements for the previous year.

86.   The proposals are due to be considered by the IAEA board in December.

87.   The carbon tax proposals are similar to those mooted by the EC, which have been shelved in the wake of opposition from industry.

88.   When the proposal for this book was under consideration by the publishers, a number of American professors were asked for their comments.

89.   This doctrine is currently under review but if an alteration is proposed it is thought unlikely that the proposal would be to scrap the doctrine altogether.

90.   The proposal is a clear expression of local preference, supported by local planning authorities.

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