81.   Other products included smaller switches for office telephone systems and a broad range of semiconductors.

82.   Products include Dri-Treds, John Deere work boots, Italian-made Barletta footwear, footwear by designer Joseph Abboud and Florsheim Frogs golf shoes.

83.   Products include leak detection equipment, pressurized environmental systems, temperature test equipment, centrifuges and rate-of-turn tables.

84.   Products include smoothies, shakes and soy beverages.

85.   Products include T-shirts, caps and jackets.

86.   Products include fuses, wiring harnesses, tubing and touch-screen terminals.

87.   Products included specialized dyes for activewear, automotive fabrics and leather.

88.   Products include a hepatitis vaccine and treatments for heart attacks and growth-hormone deficiency.

89.   Popular products include Shadow Shifter and Lip Lacquer that can be worn over other eye shadows and lipsticks, giving old colors a fresh look.

90.   Products include a multipurpose card that is a student ID and a telephone credit card, among other things, and prepaid cellular plans that can be replenished.

n. + include >>共 1161
package 1.87%
group 1.67%
list 1.51%
plan 1.49%
measure 1.18%
figure 1.13%
speaker 1.10%
symptom 1.06%
coverage 0.91%
dead 0.87%
product 0.56%
product + v. >>共 560
be 35.23%
include 5.29%
have 4.12%
make 1.96%
contain 1.81%
become 1.77%
come 1.56%
sell 1.29%
use 1.21%
work 1.12%
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