81.   Sen. John McCain and other leading lawmakers proposed legislation Wednesday that could dramatically increase the privacy rights of consumers using the Internet.

82.   She alleges that the Clinton administration violated her privacy rights when a Pentagon official leaked confidential information from her FBI background file to a news reporter.

83.   She cited patient confidentiality and the privacy rights of the family.

84.   She expects to confer with advocates for the mentally ill to make sure any new legislation protects privacy rights.

85.   Some California lawmakers moved to strengthen privacy rights, while financial institutions waged an all-out effort to block further restrictions on the sale of financial records.

86.   Some judicial experts contend that foreigners normally do not have privacy rights unless they have earned permanent resident status, which the terrorism suspects had not.

87.   Some critics say such police tactics border on entrapment and infringe on privacy rights, and that departments should focus on crimes in their own back yard.

88.   Still, some counterterrorism measures, including new laws that increase the power of government to tap electronic communications, could diminish privacy rights, advocates said.

89.   Some members of Congress have expressed concern that imposing tighter reporting requirements on banks could violate the privacy rights of customers.

90.   Some, perhaps including the American Civil Liberties Union, may try to construe fertilizer ownership as protected by the constitutional privacy right.

n. + right >>共 1333
abortion 17.98%
property 9.80%
minority 2.88%
television 2.67%
privacy 2.19%
land 2.00%
labor 1.84%
visitation 1.39%
free-speech 1.31%
worker 1.27%
privacy + n. >>共 186
advocate 11.51%
law 11.26%
right 7.78%
concern 7.57%
policy 7.05%
issue 6.85%
protection 5.39%
rule 3.42%
group 3.16%
legislation 2.02%
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