81.   President Boris Yeltsin returned to Moscow from a three-week holiday on Monday, the presidential press service said.

82.   President Boris Yeltsin urged a top economic official Tuesday to focus his efforts on paying off overdue wages and pensions, the presidential press center said.

83.   President Boris Yeltsin was hospitalized for nose surgery, the presidential press office said Saturday in a terse announcement.

84.   President Boris Yeltsin was hospitalized on Tuesday with acute heart problems, the presidential press service reported.

85.   President Boris Yeltsin went briefly to the hospital on Monday, his second visit in a week, the presidential press service said.

86.   President Vladimir Putin on Thursday dismissed Railways Minister Nikolai Aksyonenko, who was charged with fraud last year, the presidential press service said.

87.   Prime Minister Yevgeny Primakov will make the trip on Tuesday instead, Interfax said, quoting presidential press spokesman Dmitry Yakushkin.

88.   President Boris Yeltsin has appointed Farik Gazizullin as a deputy prime minister in charge of privatization, the presidential press service said Sunday.

89.   President Boris Yeltsin has vetoed a draft law which would have made debt-rescheduling deals subject to parliamentary approval, the presidential press service said Tuesday.

90.   President Boris Yeltsin instructed his envoy, ex-premier Viktor Chernomyrdin, to make the trips, the presidential press service said.

a. + press >>共 828
local 8.35%
british 5.09%
presidential 4.35%
free 4.24%
foreign 2.70%
israeli 2.59%
official 2.51%
national 2.31%
japanese 1.99%
russian 1.93%
presidential + n. >>共 347
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campaign 7.22%
palace 6.38%
race 4.21%
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spokesman 2.52%
nominee 2.46%
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press 0.89%
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