81.   The president ordered the building of roads to once isolated areas such as Qardaha, as well as public works projects from stadiums to electrical plants across the country.

82.   The president ordered the troops to Bosnia in December as part of a multinational force, promising to get them out within a year.

83.   The two presidents ordered their foreign ministries to hold a meeting soon to work out mechanisms for the cooperation.

84.   The worst of the fighting ended Saturday after both presidents ordered a cease-fire.

85.   They said Nasim was not consulted when the president ordered the sacking of the two commanders.

86.   This week, the president ordered the government to pay debts to miners and mines in Siberia.

87.   Under the new measures, the president may order martial law nationwide with the permission of the NPC Standing Committee.

88.   When that failed, the president on Thursday ordered new elections, three years ahead of schedule.

89.   Yakushkin said the president ordered Primakov and his own chief of staff to prepare a session of the presidential Security Council that would consider ways to promote political stability.

90.   But Kenyan Football Federation president ordered their reinstatement.

n. + order >>共 718
judge 13.92%
court 13.08%
government 10.81%
authority 4.87%
official 4.72%
police 3.31%
doctor 2.62%
president 1.60%
leader 1.26%
magistrate 1.15%
president + v. >>共 673
be 11.15%
say 7.53%
have 4.79%
make 2.04%
meet 1.35%
take 1.34%
want 1.26%
speak 1.06%
call 1.00%
sign 1.00%
order 0.49%
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