81.   After all, radio waves can at least penetrate tissue easily, unlike the electromagnetic fields of power lines and electrical appliances.

82.   After two major power lines in Brooklyn went out Tuesday night, Con Ed had asked customers to reduce their usage of electricity.

83.   After the collision, the Bellanca plunged into high-voltage power lines, exploded, and fell onto the sixth-hole fairway off Balboa Boulevard.

84.   After pushing the debris off of herself, she headed south down a lonely dirt road on a bluff that ran underneath a series of massive steel power lines.

85.   All around him, heavy equipment was removing debris, and electrical workers were repairing power lines.

86.   Also trim branches that may interfere with power lines and dead branches that could snap in a storm.

87.   Broken tree limbs and downed power lines littered some areas of the city.

88.   Buckled telephone and power lines snaked randomly through the streets.

89.   But Cardoso, in particular, sees joint infrastructure projects, such as the power line, as the way to achieve the integration of South America.

90.   But city workers now say the new paving and roadwork may take longer than expected because of leaking pipes and underground power lines that need to be moved.

n. + line >>共 631
phone 9.33%
telephone 7.50%
power 7.13%
product 4.84%
rail 3.51%
cruise 3.06%
railway 2.03%
transmission 1.80%
cease-fire 1.80%
fault 1.71%
power + n. >>共 531
struggle 8.54%
line 8.11%
company 5.66%
outage 4.34%
supply 3.73%
base 2.61%
cut 2.28%
failure 2.28%
generation 2.20%
generator 2.05%
每页显示:    共 1097