81.   However in the new proposals these calls have largely remained unanswered, apparently because the official doctrinal position is that,

82.   It must be said that the position is far from clear in torts such as Rylands v Fletcher.

83.   If contributory negligence is established, the modern position is that the plaintiff will have his damages reduced by the court in proportion to his fault.

84.   If she had been an adult the position would have been different.

85.   Lord Denning stated that the position would have been different if the stairs leading to the basement had given way.

86.   So long as the reversion is not assigned, that will be the position.

87.   But since the fusion of law and equity, the position is different.

88.   While this may be absurd, there are other hints that the position was more complex than the Encomiast either knew or wanted to admit.

89.   These data suggest that there is a durable core of banks and securities houses whose position is hard for other banks to challenge.

90.   Nevertheless, the Venetian government always felt its position to be somewhat ambiguous and was correspondingly sensitive to anything that seemed even remotely to challenge it.

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position + v. >>共 365
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