81.   Norwegian Prime Minister Gro Harlem Brundtland on Tuesday denied having called for abortion to be legalised worldwide during her opening address to the UN population conference here.

82.   Officials at the UN population conference can keep track of world birthrates second-by-second thanks to a special clock installed here.

83.   Organisers of the UN population conference on Thursday dismissed talk of an Islamic boycott after several Moslem states said they would not attend.

84.   Pakistani Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto left for Cairo Sunday to attend the world population conference despite strong opposition by religious groups.

85.   The Bangladesh government has angered extremists by reversing a decision not to send a government minister to the controversial UN world population conference in Cairo.

86.   The Egyptian government basked Wednesday in the success of the UN population conference which had come under fire from its own clergy and as well as Moslem fundamentalists.

87.   The meeting follows the UN population conference held here in September which went without incident despite threats by militant groups.

n. + conference >>共 567
peace 14.36%
two-day 5.44%
three-day 5.19%
business 2.87%
donor 2.62%
medium 2.56%
population 2.43%
world 2.20%
investment 1.81%
security 1.78%
population + n. >>共 268
growth 26.75%
center 7.71%
conference 3.94%
density 3.58%
figure 2.90%
shift 2.36%
increase 2.36%
group 1.86%
age 1.77%
size 1.72%
每页显示:    共 87