81.   If public opinion polls were all that counted, the bright and breezy Schroder, premier of Lower Saxony, would be unstoppable.

82.   If the polls are any gauge, he is probably right.

83.   If the polls are any indication, the old saw that people vote their pocketbooks remains valid.

84.   If the polls are right, the outcome will be up to the undecided voters.

85.   If the polls are right, the third quarter spells trouble, too.

86.   If the polls were right, most people quit going to Chez Impeachment.

87.   If the public opinion polls are right, Americans are more tolerant of those whose sex lives and family arrangements challenge the monogamous nuclear family.

88.   If the latest polls are to believed, Vice President Al Gore has a big problem.

89.   If the polls are correct, most Americans seem to agree with Graham and are willing to either suspend judgment or forgive the president.

90.   If there is a second poll at the end of the century, Grace Thorpe figures the result should be the same.

n. + be >>共 1635
problem 0.82%
people 0.79%
company 0.71%
result 0.67%
thing 0.63%
report 0.57%
question 0.56%
official 0.55%
time 0.53%
issue 0.48%
poll 0.04%
poll + v. >>共 355
show 41.06%
indicate 9.37%
be 7.27%
suggest 6.70%
find 4.71%
have 3.13%
say 2.87%
give 2.19%
close 2.09%
predict 1.19%
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