81.   NATO planes attacked Serb targets in northeastern Bosnia on Monday after Serb shelling of government territory killed a Norwegian peacekeeper and claimed dozens of civilian casualties.

82.   NATO commander Adm. Leighton Smith told CNN from headquarters in Naples, Italy, that six planes attacked the ammunition dump.

83.   NATO planes also attacked an airfield in Serbian-held Croatia on Monday.

84.   NATO planes attacked Serb targets in northeastern Bosnia on Monday after Serb shelling of government territory killed a Norwegian peackeeper and claimed dozens of civilian casualties.

85.   NATO commander Adm. Leighton Smith told CNN from headquarters in Naples, Italy, that six planes attacked two ammunition bunkers in a large military complex.

86.   NATO planes attacked Serb targets in northeastern Bosnia Monday after Serb shells killed more than a dozen people in government towns.

87.   Separately, he said refugees crossing into the border in Albania said Yugoslav planes on Wednesay attacked their convoy Wednesday afternoon.

88.   Russian planes attack Grozny, capital of the breakaway republic of Chechnya, the ITAR-Tass news agency reports.

89.   Russian planes attacked suspected rebel hide-outs in southern Chechnya, and Russian forces fired artillery at rebel bases elsewhere, the official said.

90.   Saddam vows revenge as U.S. planes attack northern Iraq.

n. + attack >>共 840
rebel 8.85%
guerrilla 5.22%
warplane 4.73%
force 4.26%
gunman 3.00%
mob 2.57%
militant 2.43%
troop 2.40%
group 2.34%
man 2.19%
plane 2.14%
plane + v. >>共 391
be 14.01%
crash 9.42%
fly 6.48%
land 4.37%
take 3.86%
go 2.89%
have 2.75%
carry 2.72%
hit 2.46%
return 2.41%
attack 1.15%
每页显示:    共 138