81.   Elizabeth Isham Cory, a spokeswoman for the Federal Aviation Administration, told The Joplin Globe that the plane missed two approaches and that the pilot reported engine trouble.

82.   From the beginning the investigation has focused on the horizontal stabilizer because the pilots had reported problems with it.

83.   Graham said the pilot reported smelling oil in the cockpit before landing.

84.   Harrison said the pilot reported a drop in oil pressure shortly before the engine failed.

85.   He said the pilot reported engine trouble a short time later and requested permission to return to the airport.

86.   He said the pilot reported to the airport tower five minutes short of landing.

87.   Head of the local aircraft factory Anatoly Abashev said the pilot reported losing control of the helicopter, ITAR-Tass said.

88.   However, the pilot reported bad weather conditions ten minutes before he lost contact with the control tower.

89.   In Jerusalem, the Israeli military confirmed both raids on suspected guerrilla bases, saying that pilots reported accurate hits on their targets.

90.   In another development, an investigator said the pilot reported engine trouble soon after takeoff as the tail began to be engulfed by flames.

n. + report >>共 510
newspaper 16.66%
radio 6.86%
medium 6.03%
official 4.48%
company 4.29%
television 3.89%
police 3.13%
government 2.18%
witness 1.94%
station 1.71%
pilot 0.78%
pilot + v. >>共 721
be 12.52%
say 5.23%
have 4.08%
fly 3.37%
report 3.35%
eject 1.89%
try 1.68%
see 1.36%
take 1.30%
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