81.   Johnson said he hoped people would experience some of the feelings of shock, chaos and fear caused by the bombing.

82.   State Minister of Environment Sarwono Kusumaatmadja said many people are experiencing a different Ramadhan this year.

83.   He said since the start of the operation which forced people from care centres or local areas into the new centres, people have experienced very severe food shortages.

84.   Hyperactivity is a psychiatric problem most frequently observed in children, a condition in which people experience an inability to concentrate and maintain attention.

85.   Another explanation, the study says, might be that some people experience stress upon seeing their wives or children go to work.

86.   People are still experiencing the novelty of the absence of the Taliban.

87.   People with CFS experience prolonged fatigue, unrefreshing sleep along with memory and concentration problems.

n. + experience >>共 604
country 4.43%
people 4.19%
company 4.14%
patient 3.37%
woman 2.41%
child 2.27%
industry 2.27%
economy 1.88%
market 1.83%
visitor 1.30%
people + v. >>共 719
be 13.89%
have 4.14%
die 3.56%
say 2.67%
think 2.15%
want 2.12%
get 1.42%
go 1.34%
come 1.33%
take 1.32%
experience 0.10%
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