81.   Warplanes carried out a serious of raids around Tyre, and hundreds of artillery shells were fired, a UN peacekeeper said.

82.   Liberia peacekeepers said Wednesday they had found more illegal weapons hidden in property owned by presidential candidate and former warlord Alhaji Kromah.

83.   Meanwhile UN peacekeepers said they had managed to evacuate two other civilians wounded two days ago by a shell in Qalaweyh to a hospital in Tyre.

84.   NATO-led peacekeepers on Thursday said they had discovered a captured UN armoured personnel carrier during a routine inspection of a Bosnian Serb arms storage site.

85.   Peacekeepers said dozens of heavy weapon rounds were fired from the area of the town beginning late on Tuesday and continued into the early hours of Wednesday.

86.   Peacekeepers themselves say their presence has brought a sense of security among the Angolans especially in the countryside, hence the trend to move back to their homes.

87.   Rebels in war-torn Sierra Leone were still turning in their arms Friday in the eastern towns of Kailahun and Tongo, a UN peacekeeper said.

n. + say >>共 480
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government 1.60%
peacekeeper 0.02%
peacekeeper + v. >>共 432
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