81.   Opposition politicians, religious and civic leaders have all called for a peaceful solution to the confrontations.

82.   Pakistani envoy insists country wants peaceful solution with India,

83.   Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif pledged during a visit to Moscow to adhere to nuclear non-proliferation and finding peaceful solutions to regional conflicts, news reports said Thursday.

84.   Police on Friday deported three Germans, members of group pushing for a peaceful solution to the Kurdish conflict, the Anatolia news agency said.

85.   Over dinner Friday, leaders of the Group of Seven urged Yeltsin to find a peaceful solution to the war in Chechnya.

86.   Palestinians here agree that a peaceful solution is impossible.

87.   Pangalos, before flying back to Athens on Monday, pledged to work toward a peaceful solution for Cyprus.

88.   Peru, meanwhile, said it was willing to give Japan a greater role in reaching a peaceful solution to the standoff.

89.   President Ernesto Zedillo has said he seeks a peaceful solution to the conflict.

90.   President Nelson Mandela said Tuesday he would consider being a mediator in the Kosovo crisis and urged opposing parties to negotiate a peaceful solution.

a. + solution >>共 983
political 8.40%
peaceful 7.66%
diplomatic 5.11%
possible 3.79%
best 3.29%
only 3.16%
long-term 3.01%
military 2.24%
quick 1.85%
negotiated 1.85%
peaceful + n. >>共 578
solution 12.12%
settlement 7.61%
protest 6.19%
resolution 5.06%
demonstration 5.06%
mean 3.36%
purpose 3.32%
end 3.17%
use 2.04%
transition 1.98%
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