81.   Since Uncle Sam collects substantially more than is needed to pay benefits, a three-month respite would be doable without disrupting the federal fisc.

82.   Since Social Security benefits are paid according to state inheritance law, US District Judge Rya Zobel asked the SJC for its opinion.

83.   Social Security is taking in more through payroll taxes than it needs to pay benefits.

84.   Social Security is currently financed out of payroll taxes levied on workers and their employers, and benefits are paid out of those taxes.

85.   Social Security is largely financed by current workers paying the benefits of retirees.

86.   Social Security payroll taxes are used to purchase special Treasury bonds which can be redeemed only to pay benefits to Social Security recipients, he said.

87.   Since both TIAA-CREF and Mutual of America are non-profit, all the money they make after their costs goes to pay retirement benefits.

88.   Since both TIAA-CREF and Mutual of America are non-profit, all the money they make goes to paying retirement benefits.

89.   Social security pays benefits to current retirees out of payroll taxes on current employers and workers.

90.   Some lawmakers said they would like to launch a new proposal that such benefits be paid by the employer.

v. + benefit >>共 621
have 7.44%
reap 6.49%
receive 6.06%
provide 4.59%
offer 3.66%
get 3.37%
see 3.04%
lose 2.87%
pay 2.73%
cut 2.24%
pay + n. >>共 447
attention 14.35%
tax 6.46%
bill 5.37%
price 4.94%
tribute 3.61%
fee 2.82%
dividend 2.75%
money 2.25%
fine 2.25%
ransom 1.76%
benefit 0.68%
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