81.   Psychiatric patients might suffer from treatments that remove parts of their individuality as well as their affliction.

82.   Researchers said some patients also suffer from throat pain and coughing.

83.   So some patients suffer needlessly.

84.   Some patients also suffer from throat pain and coughing.

85.   Some patients suffer muscular rigidity, take on a mask-like facial expression and experience a stooped posture.

86.   Some patients suffer kidney toxicity.

87.   Still, patients suffer, both from the fever and from what is done to manage it.

88.   Sometimes patients suffer eye inflammation, cheek swelling, and facial nerve palsy.

89.   Studies show the drug can help reduce the excruciating episodes of pain that patients suffer as well as reducing the need for blood transfusions.

90.   Such blood tests are administered to determine if a patient suffered a heart attack.

n. + suffer >>共 809
people 4.74%
child 2.26%
company 2.15%
woman 2.05%
stock 1.89%
patient 1.74%
man 1.69%
country 1.58%
victim 1.50%
economy 1.23%
patient + v. >>共 801
be 14.13%
have 11.19%
die 3.74%
get 2.81%
receive 2.81%
take 2.68%
need 2.44%
suffer 2.09%
sue 1.71%
go 1.43%
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