81.   Each patient received large amounts of the chemotherapeutic drug cyclophosphamide, or Cytoxan.

82.   --Ensure that patients receive care that maintains their self-esteem.

83.   Even those patients are receiving fewer visits.

84.   Fifteen patients received placebo injections.

85.   He assembled and tested infusion pumps, devices that allow patients to receive regular injections without a nurse or traditional needle.

86.   Half the patients received a dummy pill, or placebo.

87.   Half the patients received daily oral doses of the bisphosphonate drug clodronate, which has not yet been approved for use in the United States.

88.   He stressed, however, that it is not just minority doctors who have to be vigilant to ensure that minority patients are receiving quality care.

89.   He said patients should receive such treatments only in the setting of carefully monitored clinical research studies.

90.   How Ms. Jensen performs in the coming months, he said, will undoubtedly influence whether other patients with Down syndrome receive heart-lung transplants in future.

n. + receive >>共 1000
company 3.61%
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player 1.46%
child 1.45%
official 1.41%
people 1.41%
patient + v. >>共 801
be 14.13%
have 11.19%
die 3.74%
get 2.81%
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need 2.44%
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sue 1.71%
go 1.43%
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