81.   Once the police left, the people of Tatahuicapa passed judgment on Soler, who they said confessed to the murder.

82.   One of the requirements of national citizenship is that we are willing to pass judgment on people.

83.   Other players asked that no one pass judgment until the ITF explains its position further.

84.   Pataki insists he has not passed judgment on the Mohawk proposal, but he is seen by lawmakers and lobbyists here as firmly supporting it.

85.   Paul Kranhold, a spokesman for the governor, said Wilson would be interested in seeing the reaction of the Orange County Board of Supervisors before passing judgment.

86.   Peres promises Israelis a chance to pass judgment later on specific details.

87.   People in the field have been reluctant to pass judgment on Geldzahler, and Messer sees two sides.

88.   Rather, he looks into you to allow you to reveal your strengths and shortcomings yourself, without passing judgment on them, letting the evidence speak for itself.

89.   Rosenthal said he expected criticism, but he argues that anyone who takes issue with the park should visit it before passing judgment.

90.   Reporters and city editors are not supposed to write legislation or lead campaigns or pass moral judgments.

v. + judgment >>共 274
make 14.72%
reserve 10.12%
pass 8.78%
withhold 5.41%
use 2.57%
cloud 2.14%
exercise 1.93%
enter 1.82%
trust 1.71%
render 1.71%
pass + n. >>共 635
law 12.48%
bill 11.10%
legislation 8.68%
resolution 4.22%
test 3.70%
measure 3.21%
muster 2.23%
ball 1.88%
budget 1.40%
judgment 1.31%
每页显示:    共 163