81.   The advertisement, which the party said it would broadcast nationally, received prominent media play over the Memorial Day weekend.

82.   The British and Irish governments invited Sinn Fein back to the talks Monday, but the party said it would not consider returning until after meeting with Blair.

83.   The coalition parties said Friday they would try to reach agreement today.

84.   The company and the union are still far apart on wages, although they have agreed to almost all other issues, both parties said.

85.   The GOP has something to offer everyone, and everyone is welcome, the party said through former presidents, war heroes and mainstream Americans.

86.   The governing party says Ouattara cannot be a candidate because his parents were not born in Ivory Coast.

87.   The Islamic parties said they were satisfied with the strike, adding that the number of protesters was not a measure of its success.

88.   The Labour party has said it will introduce a budget several weeks following the election.

89.   The Labour party says it wants an information superhighway as soon as possible to benefit public services, including education and health.

90.   The Labour party says it will hold a national referendum to decide whether to join the monetary union.

n. + say >>共 480
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party 0.16%
party + v. >>共 674
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have 4.95%
say 3.54%
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