81.   The governing Liberal Democratic Party wants the bill approved in the current session, but passage was not guaranteed because several parties may oppose it.

82.   The governing Congress Party has only a slim majority in Parliament but the main opposition parties also oppose early elections in Kashmir because of the militancy.

83.   The IRA-allied Sinn Fein party flatly opposes forming any significant administration in Northern Ireland, a state it wants abolished, not reformed.

84.   The opposition Labor party opposed renewing the powers.

85.   The party opposed a campaign finance reform provision they said would be favorable to Bush in the next election.

86.   The party opposes the extradition of Yugoslav citizens to the tribunal.

87.   The main political parties oppose any contribution by the central bank, which has called an extraordinary board meeting for Friday to discuss the settlement.

88.   The RADDES party opposes Buyoya, but Nyezimana said it does not support the coup attempt.

89.   The opposition Labor and Alliance parties opposed the fast-tracking of the bill.

90.   The party opposes a recent trade pact with the European Union and the U.S.-led air force mission to protect Iraqi Kurds from Baghdad.

n. + oppose >>共 560
group 9.04%
administration 6.33%
government 4.95%
leader 3.85%
party 3.27%
official 2.64%
majority 2.13%
member 2.01%
company 1.99%
union 1.92%
party + v. >>共 674
be 12.11%
have 4.95%
say 3.54%
agree 2.90%
win 2.21%
want 1.40%
take 1.33%
hold 1.23%
call 1.16%
make 1.02%
oppose 0.67%
每页显示:    共 139