81.   Jeffords had planned to make an announcement about his party affiliation on the Senate floor Wednesday afternoon, but postponed it after talks with party leaders.

82.   Late last year, just in time to be eligible for the Republican primary, he switched his party affiliation from the Democrats.

83.   Legislative candidates are listed on the ballot without identifying their party affiliation, and the top two vote-getters in the primary face off in the general election.

84.   Louisiana now uses a nonpartisan version of the blanket primary, where the top two vote-getters, regardless of party affiliation, move into the runoff election.

85.   Louisiana holds an open primary for governor in which any candidate can participate regardless of party affiliation.

86.   Many LEAP groups were able to review their membership lists and break them down by party affiliation.

87.   McCaughey insisted that only her party affiliation is different.

88.   Meanwhile, if you listen to judicial candidates at all you will hear some bemoan the fact that good judges lose elections simply because of party affiliation.

89.   Monday was the deadline for voters to change their party affiliation or register to vote before the primary.

90.   Most people who hold a party affiliation detest some of their fellow party members.

a. + affiliation >>共 126
party 35.93%
political 21.31%
religious 10.38%
known 1.50%
communist 1.23%
church 1.09%
tribal 1.09%
loose 0.96%
lifelong 0.82%
union 0.82%
party + n. >>共 720
leader 16.20%
member 7.69%
official 6.86%
leadership 2.17%
chairman 2.02%
candidate 1.44%
congress 1.43%
affiliation 1.40%
headquarters 1.35%
president 1.32%
每页显示:    共 261