81.   Ivan Sungarski, chairman of the parliamentary commission on human rights and faiths, said the proposal came from clergymen of both parties.

82.   Kwasniewski, an ex-communist, said the decision was not taken in a proper way as neither he nor the special parliamentary commission were consulted.

83.   Last Saturday, a special parliamentary commission of inquiry recommended that Claes be indicted.

84.   Lawmakers also called for convening a special parliamentary commission to investigate the charges.

85.   Lawmakers also called for convening a special parliamentary commission to look into the case.

86.   Last month, a parliamentary constitutional commission acquitted Jaruzelski of charges that he violated the constitution by declaring martial law on his own nation.

87.   Lux said the documents have been made available to a parliamentary commission overseeing the work of the secret service.

88.   Left-dominated parliamentary commissions aim to limit the role of religion and the church in the draft new constitution.

89.   NATO chief Willy Claes has a chance to talk his way out of corruption charges Friday before a parliamentary commission rules on an indictment.

90.   Now in her fourth of five years at the institute, Strukova works part-time for a parliamentary commission on fair elections.

a. + commission >>共 668
electoral 9.43%
special 6.18%
joint 5.48%
independent 5.05%
international 3.99%
parliamentary 3.56%
state 2.95%
new 2.89%
presidential 2.17%
bipartisan 2.11%
parliamentary + n. >>共 557
election 22.27%
committee 5.27%
majority 4.49%
session 3.43%
immunity 3.40%
speaker 3.36%
seat 3.33%
approval 3.26%
debate 3.07%
commission 2.52%
每页显示:    共 228