81.   The two papers have been publishing considerably smaller, free editions since the strike started.

82.   Under the proposal, each paper would publish separate morning editions Monday through Friday.

83.   Weiss co-wrote a paper published last week about how SRY activates a gene that eliminates female tissue in the developing male embryo.

84.   Friday the paper published a whole page devoted to the West murder trial illustrated with photographs of Rosemary and Fred West.

85.   In addition, the paper has published articles for and against the instigation of a free economic zone at Sevastopol.

86.   In July, the Croatian independent weekly paper Globus published what they said were recent photos of Kordic arriving outside his house in Zagreb.

87.   Bahraini papers published pictures of the four on Saturday.

88.   But in a letter of which the paper published an extract, Rushdie indicated that this ban had now been lifted.

89.   The paper also published a photograph of the warplane provided by Lockheed, carrying the nationalist Chinese emblem.

90.   The paper published a copy of the official deed of sale by which Mitterrand and his wife Danielle paid a symbolic franc for the land.

n. + publish >>共 385
newspaper 22.18%
magazine 5.80%
paper 5.21%
company 4.47%
government 3.94%
group 2.82%
report 2.13%
poll 1.49%
journal 1.38%
study 1.17%
paper + v. >>共 647
say 38.21%
be 8.71%
report 5.18%
quote 3.10%
add 2.30%
have 1.72%
publish 1.53%
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