81.   Israeli soldiers fired live bullets Friday at hundreds of stone-throwing Palestinian protesters near the Israeli-Egyptian border, wounding five people.

82.   Israeli soldiers opened fire Friday on hundreds of stone-throwing Palestinian protesters, wounding five people just outside the overcrowded Rafah refugee camp.

83.   Israeli troops and Palestinian protesters clashed on several fronts Sunday, with two Palestinians killed and four wounded in a West Bank town.

84.   Intended as a less-lethal alternative to live ammunition, the rubber bullets that Israeli troops fire at Palestinian protesters can nevertheless smash through skulls with deadly force.

85.   Israeli soldiers fired live bullets Friday at hundreds of stone-throwing Palestinian protesters, wounding five people, including an Associated Press cameraman.

86.   Jewish settlers shot and killed a Palestinian protester Sunday after Palestinian villagers tore down a makeshift camp settlers had built to claim a West Bank hilltop, witnesses said.

87.   Jewish settlers opened fire Sunday on Palestinian protesters marching against their makeshift camp on a West Bank hilltop, witnesses said.

88.   Last week, soldiers fired tear gas and rubber bullets to disperse Palestinian protesters along the road from Hebron to Beersheva.

89.   Meanwhile, Palestinian protesters clashed for a third straight day with Israeli soldiers in the West Bank town of Bethlehem.

90.   Meeting demands by Palestinian protesters, Yasser Arafat on Thursday fired a senior police commander who had ordered a raid of a West Bank university.

a. + protester >>共 484
palestinian 6.05%
angry 4.73%
anti-government 4.44%
catholic 3.55%
pro-democracy 2.55%
anti-abortion 2.51%
anti-nuclear 2.51%
young 2.22%
anti-war 1.94%
the 1.70%
palestinian + n. >>共 446
leader 12.34%
police 6.31%
official 5.80%
security 4.86%
state 3.45%
territory 3.30%
militant 2.67%
area 2.24%
self-rule 2.24%
gunman 2.23%
protester 0.25%
每页显示:    共 127