81.   In a telephone interview Monday, Free Papua Movement leader Moses Werror told The Associated Press that he had sent letters to his guerrillas ordering release of the hostages.

82.   In one of his first acts as health minister, Kan ordered the release of documents that ministry officials had claimed were lost.

83.   INA quoted the spokesman as saying that the release was ordered by President Saddam Hussein.

84.   Iraqi President Saddam Hussein ordered the releases on Sunday, after a meeting with Shubeilat.

85.   Indonesian president orders release of two political prisoners.

86.   It called on President Ali Abdullah Saleh to order their release.

87.   It was not clear why Arafat ordered his release.

88.   Judge orders release of court documents that could embarrass Clinton.

89.   Judge Paddington Garwe, the head judge in the Harare High Court, had refused to order the release of the lawyers in a hearing on Wednesday.

90.   Justice of the Peace Archange Joseph was arrested Friday afternoon, two days after he ordered their release.

v. + release >>共 380
demand 14.17%
follow 6.35%
secure 5.91%
negotiate 4.55%
win 4.26%
await 4.26%
seek 4.11%
order 3.82%
delay 3.14%
block 2.26%
order + n. >>共 1617
investigation 4.64%
arrest 2.40%
killing 2.29%
release 1.93%
inquiry 1.87%
evacuation 1.80%
attack 1.62%
halt 1.26%
test 1.19%
murder 1.16%
每页显示:    共 173