81.   We need to think a little bit more about dispersing the fiber optic cables and communication lines.

82.   Wireless cable can be installed quickly as there are no fiber optic cables to lay and no satellites to launch.

83.   Winnick envisioned a telecommunications empire with undersea fiber optic cables that would become a worldwide network to transmit information via the Internet.

84.   With cable modems, subscribers get extremely fast downloads, and systems with fiber optic cables need dedicate only one or two cable channels to that service.

85.   You have to thread fiber optic cable through walls and across ceilings.

86.   Other targets, NATO sources said, included ammunition dumps, radar installations, artillery, fiber optic cables and command and control centers.

87.   A fiber optic cable carrying the lines was severed Monday night, said a Telikom source, speaking on condition of anonymity.

88.   A train accident in a Baltimore tunnel last year caused major Internet slowdowns in the mid-Atlantic states after fiber optic cable running through the tunnel was damaged.

89.   Although WLL also offers the same service quality asordinary copper or fiber optic cables, its advantage lies in its faster time deployment.

90.   BlueStream has also applied for regional licenses from the Organization of Eastern Caribbean States to lay fiber optic cable and provide international telephone and data carrying service.

a. + cable >>共 622
optic 5.36%
fiber-optic 4.77%
local 4.49%
new 3.82%
electric 3.35%
wireless 3.15%
basic 3.11%
electrical 2.52%
digital 1.89%
major 1.77%
optic + n. >>共 70
cable 33.42%
network 20.88%
line 6.14%
equipment 2.95%
communication 2.70%
fiber 2.70%
system 2.46%
device 1.97%
technology 1.97%
link 1.23%
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