81.   Operating expenses also are important.

82.   Pope said the money could pay operating expenses like salaries, rent and phone bills as well as some of its political activities.

83.   Ray Neidl, the airline industry analyst at ING Barings, said fuel was the second-largest operating expense of an airline, after salaries and benefits.

84.   Safeway spokeswoman Debra Lambert said strong sales combined with leaner operating expenses had helped the company fund this round of store improvements.

85.   Sbarro said it rescinded its expense-deduction policy a month after the suit was filed and compensated managers who had to pay store operating expenses.

86.   School districts, therefore, will be able to begin paying their bills from the time schools reopen and avoid costly borrowing to meet operating expenses.

87.   She said all of the rent from the Fine Arts Building has gone toward mortgage payments, property taxes and building operating expenses.

88.   Several times, officials sold land to meet operating expenses.

89.   Small brokers rely on the sometimes easy profits from initial public offerings to meet operating expenses.

90.   TCU receives all proceeds from the gate minus operating expenses of The Ballpark.

a. + expense >>共 542
medical 9.27%
operating 6.45%
living 4.53%
legal 3.13%
higher 2.64%
administrative 2.23%
personal 2.02%
great 1.99%
additional 1.89%
public 1.80%
operating + n. >>共 423
cost 15.56%
profit 10.54%
expense 5.35%
company 4.65%
table 4.11%
loss 3.83%
income 3.01%
agreement 2.37%
margin 2.34%
unit 1.93%
每页显示:    共 207