81.   Museveni, who arrived in Cairo earlier Wednesday, is to open a conference Wednesday with Egyptian Prime Minister Atef Ebeid on investing in Uganda.

82.   Opening the conference Sunday Egyptian Religious Affairs Minister Mohammed Ali Mahgoub called for Islam to distance itself from extremism.

83.   Opening the conference, Australian development minister Gordon Bilney said economic growth was the key to removing the causes of child sexual exploitation in Asia.

84.   Omani Water Resources Minister Hamed al-Oufi opened the conference which was attended by Hillel Shuval an environmental specialist from the Hebrew University in Jerusalem.

85.   Opening the conference on Friday, Rwandan President Paul Kagame had accused the international community of dragging its feet on bringing the perpetrators of the massacres to justice.

86.   Opening the conference, Italian foreign minister Susanna Agnelli said Europe could not afford to sit back and congratulate itself on what it had achieved.

87.   President Jean-Bertrand Aristide said Thursday violence and arms should no longer be allowed to replace constitutional rule in Haiti as he opened a conference here on democracy.

88.   Several hundred chanting protesters demanding freedom for East Timor demonstrated Thursday at Melbourne University where UN Secretary General Boutros Boutros-Ghali was opening a conference.

89.   The conference will be opened Monday by Foreign Minister Don McKinnon.

90.   The country was due to be officially accepted Tuesday when foreign ministers open a conference.

v. + conference >>共 339
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open + n. >>共 626
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