81.   Later, Miles was able to speak with some of the area residents and offer them assistance in finding emergency living quarters.

82.   Leaders of some militias are reaching out to American leaders, offering such assistance as armed militiamen for commercial flights.

83.   Later, when the panel took questions from the audience, a man who said he was with Paine Webber, the brokerage firm, offered his assistance.

84.   M.D. Anderson is offering financial assistance for transportation and other miscellaneous expenses so the trial will be accessible to women of all economic levels.

85.   Many offer technical assistance to guide you through the ordering and installation process.

86.   Mr Patten has outlined broad areas where the Government can offer its assistance to the Chief Executive-designate and his team of officials.

87.   Most Web sites offer a customer relations phone number, while others offer online assistance.

88.   Missouri Gov. Mel Carnahan said the state cooperated with Ford by expanding an existing enterprise zone at the plant and offering assistance with job training programs.

89.   Nick Burns, spokesman for the State Department, said Albright offered the assistance to help Mexico start a new counter-drug program.

90.   Now, military officials, lawyers and employment experts say, a higher percentage of companies seem to be offering such assistance.

v. + assistance >>共 307
provide 22.96%
offer 9.55%
seek 8.32%
receive 8.07%
need 4.65%
give 3.91%
request 2.47%
get 2.31%
require 1.60%
promise 1.26%
offer + n. >>共 1031
service 4.65%
advice 1.73%
detail 1.62%
support 1.47%
help 1.35%
explanation 1.32%
evidence 1.09%
job 1.09%
opportunity 1.08%
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assistance 0.85%
每页显示:    共 308