81.   Murtha talks about priorities for the next session.

82.   Neither side would say when the next joint session would be.

83.   Now, Congress is gearing up to try again in the next congressional session, which opens in January.

84.   Officials of both parties have vowed to try to remove the travel ban in the next session of Congress.

85.   On other matters, Mitsuzuka said budget spending targets for individual ministries and agencies will be discussed at the next session of parliament, to convene later this year.

86.   One of them is a special concern for missile-defense systems, a matter likely to come up in the next congressional session.

87.   Other money goes to interim studies, keeping the lights on and preparing for the next session.

88.   Others said the index could simply make moderate falls over the next few sessions.

89.   One wonders what the next legislative session will bring.

90.   Parts of the package will require parliament approval and will be debated next session.

a. + session >>共 513
training 4.56%
straight 4.53%
first 4.07%
second 3.77%
legislative 3.19%
emergency 2.77%
next 2.70%
consecutive 2.48%
opening 2.16%
parliamentary 2.09%
next + n. >>共 480
day 13.91%
season 7.53%
year 7.08%
week 5.00%
month 3.96%
step 3.33%
morning 2.83%
time 2.73%
spring 2.11%
round 2.03%
session 0.64%
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