81.   U.S. assessment has been based on interviews with defectors, reports from international organizations that have toured the plants and video footage from an American television news crew.

82.   When Bruscha arrived at the stock exchange to watch trading begin, a television news crew and several radio reporters were waiting to interview him.

83.   When a television news crew interferes with a bust, Mitch shoots the camera.

84.   When the Smith kids were reported missing, big-city news crews were shocked when these neighborly townspeople delivered casseroles and hot coffee.

85.   With welfare stories in vogue, the city is awash in news crews.

86.   Yet anytime she clears her throat to speak these days, television news crews rush to capture her every word.

87.   Police were hit with bottles and other objects and CNN reported the crowd attacked a news crew.

88.   A CNN news crew accompanied the federal agents.

89.   A news crew from the state Zimbabwe Broadcasting Corp. fled the suburb after rioters pelted their vehicle with stones, smashing the windows.

90.   A news crew in a helicopter taped the throng of officers as they repeatedly kicked and punched Jones before leading him away in handcuffs.

n. + crew >>共 457
television 11.89%
camera 7.86%
flight 6.52%
rescue 5.04%
construction 3.88%
fire 3.80%
film 3.78%
shuttle 3.51%
work 2.81%
news 2.69%
news + n. >>共 346
report 29.04%
organization 8.59%
service 3.98%
coverage 3.86%
program 3.53%
story 3.19%
magazine 2.20%
show 1.75%
account 1.67%
broadcast 1.48%
crew 0.90%
每页显示:    共 145