81.   The war in Chechnya has exposed serious problems in recruitment and training and added urgency to the call for a new draft law.

82.   They were to meet again Saturday to consider a new draft that Galbraith said would try to address the concerns of both sides.

83.   Under the new draft proposals, it would likely be at least ten years before any controls would take effect.

84.   Under the new draft, all the powers of the Minister in dealing with the JPA has been transferred to the Council of Ministers.

85.   Vice President Ejup Ganic said he had not studied the new draft and insisted the United Nations halt fighting in the northwestern Bihac area.

86.   However, political analysts said that there was little room for political manoeuvring because the new draft envisaged the highest degree of autonomy yet offered to Tamils.

87.   However, the new draft treaty includes no military assistance provision, ITAR-TASS news agency said, quoting foreign ministry sources.

88.   A spokesman for the newly created League of Cambodian Journalists said his group was not yet prepared to comment on the new draft.

89.   A new draft of the budget excluding the provision was adopted Wednesday by the lower house, the House of Representatives.

90.   Deputy US Trade Representative Charlene Barshefsky said Thursday the United States would provide a new draft agreement to the Chinese next week.

a. + draft >>共 460
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