81.   That would require negotiations to resume.

82.   The budget negotiations resumed on Saturday evening and are scheduled to continue at length on Sunday and Monday, which may be a deadline of sorts.

83.   The conclusions could bolster the position of the United States when negotiations over details of the treaty resume this summer.

84.   The Israeli prime minister justifiably insists that negotiations cannot resume until the Palestinian leader cracks down on terrorists.

85.   The negotiations resumed where the parties left off three weeks ago in Washington, with both sides indicating a determination to engage in days or weeks of round-the-clock discussions.

86.   The Rangers appear to hold out hope of working out a deal with their All-Star catcher once the season is over and negotiations resume.

87.   The strike negotiations resumed Wednesday.

88.   The U.S. has already signed a copyright protection agreement with Hanoi, and negotiations may soon resume on a comprehensive trade agreement.

89.   Then political negotiations could resume.

90.   They said that even if negotiations resumed in a day or two, the talks could lose crucial momentum.

n. + resume >>共 801
talk 15.05%
negotiation 5.77%
play 3.97%
trial 3.80%
flight 2.08%
hearing 1.38%
service 1.36%
side 1.35%
work 1.18%
game 1.10%
negotiation + v. >>共 323
be 26.25%
continue 9.08%
begin 6.92%
resume 6.38%
take 4.14%
fail 3.66%
go 3.12%
break_down 2.47%
stall 1.54%
start 1.49%
每页显示:    共 354