81.   Iranian President Mohammad Khatami declared his support Sunday for U.N. efforts to negotiate a peace in neighboring Afghanistan, the Islamic Republic News Agency said.

82.   In this role, he notched his greatest accomplishment, negotiating the peace in the breakaway republic of Chechnya.

83.   It is time to negotiate a peace, Lebed insisted.

84.   It recently has grown increasingly impatient with Rakhmonov, demanding he negotiate peace with the opposition.

85.   Kabila has so far refused to negotiate peace with the rebel leaders, insisting on meeting only with their backers, Rwanda and Uganda.

86.   Kabila refuses to negotiate peace directly with a coalition of Congolese rebels backed by Rwanda and Uganda.

87.   Kabila refuses to negotiate peace directly with the Congolese rebels, backed by Rwanda and Uganda.

88.   Khmer Rouge renegades negotiating peace with the government have agreed to meet all demands from Phnom Penh, First Prime Minister Norodom Ranariddh said Saturday.

89.   Last year saw the death of Dudayev, who was reported killed by a Russian missile in April, and numerous attempts to negotiate peace.

90.   Mayhew said Major provided the stable political base needed to negotiate peace for British-ruled Northern Ireland.

v. + peace >>共 405
make 14.92%
bring 9.98%
keep 7.63%
want 4.21%
achieve 3.96%
restore 3.91%
promote 2.49%
negotiate 2.41%
find 2.37%
talk 2.35%
negotiate + n. >>共 655
agreement 8.19%
settlement 7.09%
contract 6.22%
deal 5.82%
end 4.62%
release 3.61%
peace 2.88%
price 2.53%
cease-fire 1.90%
compromise 1.86%
每页显示:    共 164