81.   High school kids get that for mowing a lawn.

82.   He worked his way through St. George High School by doing janitorial jobs there, such as mowing the lawn.

83.   Heading down her quiet street, you pass one tidy frame house after another, and one neatly mowed lawn after another.

84.   His goal is to recover enough to mow the lawn again and bring his garden back to life.

85.   His doctor had told him that anything as strenuous as mowing the lawn would kill him.

86.   I called the police and asked if there was a way to get everybody to mow their lawns on the same day.

87.   If people do not mow their lawns regularly, Waldie writes, their neighbors report them to City Hall.

88.   If she scrubs the bathrooms while the husband mows the lawn, she might like to trade jobs sometimes.

89.   If she scrubs the bathrooms while you mow the lawn, she might like to trade jobs sometimes.

90.   In addition to keeping windows closed, he recommends wearing a paper mask when mowing the lawn or raking leaves and limiting outdoor exercise to still mornings.

v. + lawn >>共 135
mow 38.39%
water 6.94%
cut 3.25%
have 2.82%
trim 1.74%
cover 1.74%
manicure 1.74%
fertilize 1.30%
turn 1.08%
replace 1.08%
mow + n. >>共 36
lawn 63.21%
grass 11.79%
yard 6.07%
field 3.57%
green 2.14%
greensward 0.71%
meadow 0.71%
fairway 0.71%
path 0.71%
plant 0.71%
每页显示:    共 176