81.   In the volcanic arc, both in the Sunda Arc and to the north in Burma, movement is predominantly along transform faults.

82.   After all, the whole emphasis of the computer revolution of recent decades as been a movement away from central control and direction to dispersed user sovereignty.

83.   The entire labour movement was under the control of social fascism.

84.   Every muscle-flexing movement was effortless.

85.   The trade union movement was immature.

86.   Even in this period in Japan, however, it is highly unlikely that the exchange rate movement was the dominating factor in declining profitability.

87.   The trades council movement is alive and well all over the country.

88.   And I think on the whole the movement is towards building in parents, more parents formally in this particular level.

89.   He claims the resistance movement is growing, using weapons bought from disaffected Iraqi soldiers.

90.   But the movement -- I suppose on the whole I am sympathetic towards the movement, but we have different images of what that movement is.

n. + be >>共 1635
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movement 0.08%
movement + v. >>共 708
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have 3.88%
grow 1.53%
begin 1.48%
gain 1.33%
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take 1.30%
say 1.20%
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