81.   She is staying with a retired nurse she met while doing some missionary work last year.

82.   Study will focus on conversion, communion, and Marian missionary work.

83.   The Bowers attended the Winston-Salem church before settling near his family in Muskegon, Mich., and starting their missionary work.

84.   That interim regime, under Hamid Karzai, has given no sign yet that it will liberalize longstanding Afghan prohibitions against non-Islamic missionary work.

85.   The group sent Close to the Congo to do missionary work shortly before the country gained its independence from Belgium.

86.   The Knights were coming home from Puerto Vallarta, where they had been doing missionary work in recent years.

87.   The Orthodox church has criticized zealous Catholic missionary work in traditional Orthodox areas since the fall of communism in eastern Europe.

88.   The older Burnhams have two other grown children in missionary work in the Philippines, and another is a missionary in New Guinea.

89.   The Russian Orthodox Church has complained over what it sees as zealous missionary work by Roman Catholics after restrictions on religion were lifted following the fall of Communism.

90.   The pontiff came to Port Moresby to beatify Peter ToRot, a catechist ordered to halt his missionary work by Japanese occupation forces.

a. + work >>共 1214
hard 12.26%
new 3.27%
good 2.15%
best 1.26%
volunteer 1.16%
extra 1.08%
part-time 1.06%
legal 1.00%
real 0.88%
detective 0.88%
missionary 0.64%
missionary + n. >>共 126
couple 19.49%
work 16.96%
zeal 6.18%
group 3.96%
activity 3.65%
priest 3.33%
plane 3.33%
school 2.85%
order 2.38%
organization 2.06%
每页显示:    共 106