81.   Greenspan made the comments during a half-hour meeting this morning with Finance Minister Hiroshi Mitsuzuka, according to a senior ministry official who attended the meeting.

82.   He called ministry officials and asked for meetings, in which he presented his lists and asked for information on the prisoners.

83.   Green Cross has long employed many retiring health ministry officials.

84.   He made the comment during a meeting with Japanese Finance Minister Hiroshi Mitsuzuka, according to a senior ministry official who attended the meeting.

85.   He said Prime Minister Ryutaro Hashimoto met today with Vice Finance Minister Tadashi Ogawa and other senior ministry officials to discuss the additional budget.

86.   He suggested the government spend money to lift the economy, a senior Japanese finance ministry official said.

87.   He told ministry officials that the company concealed information from investigators about the payoffs, and vowed to make sure such activities did not recur.

88.   High-ranking finance ministry officials, while tight-lipped about the solution being hammered out for the bank, concede that their priority is to ensure the security of the marketplace.

89.   However, Finance Minister Hiroshi Mitsuzuka and other senior ministry officials responded that banks should guarantee their own bank debentures.

n. + official >>共 339
government 15.68%
administration 6.51%
security 5.00%
city 4.28%
police 4.19%
company 3.43%
ministry 3.37%
health 3.21%
enforcement 2.61%
school 2.27%
ministry + n. >>共 313
official 40.75%
spokesman 27.77%
statement 5.88%
source 3.41%
spokeswoman 3.25%
troop 1.34%
building 1.05%
force 0.72%
bureaucrat 0.70%
post 0.67%
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