81.   Under the proposal, the appellate courts could reduce the minimum sentence to no less than five years in prison.

82.   Under British law, there are no minimum sentences for hijacking, but the suspects could face sentences as long as life in prison if convicted.

83.   Unlike his sister, Gerald Amirault has served less than half of the minimum sentence on his conviction.

84.   Under the proposal, an inmate would have to serve a fixed minimum sentence, as ordered by a judge.

85.   Using that formula, the defendant in this case, Meirl Neal, would have avoided a minimum sentence and would have received about seven years.

86.   Under his proposal, the governor would lessen the minimum sentence for some defendants convicted of nonviolent drug crimes.

87.   Under the federal sentencing guidelines, a five-year minimum sentence applies to possessing either about a pound of powered cocaine or about two ounces of crack cocaine.

88.   Using mathematical models, the study found that, dollar for taxpayer dollar, mandatory minimum sentences were less effective in reducing cocaine consumption than previous sentencing structures.

89.   We should also re-examine our federal sentencing policies, particularly mandatory minimum sentences for nonviolent offenders.

90.   Would impose mandatory minimum sentences for the use of a gun during a criminal act.

a. + sentence >>共 490
maximum 14.73%
suspended 10.08%
mandatory 3.73%
lighter 3.64%
minimum 3.29%
reduced 2.53%
longer 2.47%
same 2.33%
light 2.20%
lenient 2.18%
minimum + n. >>共 498
standard 7.01%
tax 5.80%
price 5.47%
sentence 4.85%
requirement 4.29%
level 3.57%
number 3.31%
amount 3.24%
salary 2.52%
age 2.36%
每页显示:    共 147