81.   Israel has been pushing for a papal visit to boost millennium celebrations.

82.   Jerusalem Mayor Ehud Olmert says he plans to send an invitation to Pope John Paul II in the next few days to attend millennium celebrations in the Holy Land.

83.   Jordanian authorities have named two more suspects linked to a terrorist conspiracy to stage attacks in the United States and Israel during millennium celebrations.

84.   Jordanian authorities this week named two more fugitive suspects linked to a terrorist conspiracy to stage attacks in the United States and Israel during millennium celebrations.

85.   Last year, Jordanian intelligence experts cracked a sizable cell that had been planning a spectacular attack on American and Israeli tourists during millennium celebrations.

86.   Mayflower III will then return to Rotherhithe, where it will be fitted out for millennium celebrations.

87.   Millions of pilgrims are expected in the Jewish state over the next three years, leading up to the millennium celebrations.

88.   Montreal has a large Muslim population, and two Algerians convicted in the United States of plotting a terrorist bombing during millennium celebrations lived there.

89.   Most foreign travel is expected to be put on hold next year, when John Paul will preside over year-long millennium celebrations in Rome.

90.   Nazareth is undergoing a major facelift ahead of millennium celebrations which are expected to draw millions of tourists.

n. + celebration >>共 198
millennium 12.92%
victory 10.57%
birthday 10.47%
anniversary 10.47%
holiday 5.28%
independence 4.15%
day 2.26%
weekend 1.98%
year 1.60%
championship 1.51%
millennium + n. >>共 181
celebration 22.91%
bug 17.73%
approach 4.52%
problem 3.68%
plot 2.68%
party 2.01%
madness 1.51%
cruise 1.34%
plan 1.34%
fever 1.17%
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