81.   President Megawati Sukarnoputri, who has vowed to prevent Indonesia from disintegrating, has unleashed an unprecedented military offensive on the rebels since she assumed office in July.

82.   Peace talks between the two sides were suspended at the height of the military offensive.

83.   Peres also denied media reports that Israel was contemplating a large-scale military offensive in the Palestinian areas that could include driving out Arafat.

84.   Peres denied media reports that Israel was contemplating a large-scale military offensive in the Palestinian areas that could include driving out Arafat.

85.   Peace talks with the rebels were scuttled because of fighting last month, when a major military offensive captured an MILF stronghold.

86.   Pro-Palestinian groups plan demonstrations in Copenhagen to protest the current Israeli military offensive in Palestinian areas.

87.   Putin has promoted the Russian military offensive in Chechnya, a drive that has widespread popular support.

88.   Police fear the rebels have planned attacks in the capital city or its suburbs to divert attention from the military offensive aimed at capturing a rebel-controlled highway.

89.   Pique repeated an EU demand for immediate and full access for aid workers and journalists to West Bank towns that bore the brunt of the Israeli military offensive.

90.   Rebel radio warned civilians in the peninsula Monday that a major military offensive against the rebel stronghold of Jaffna was imminent.

a. + offensive >>共 353
military 13.77%
major 10.12%
new 6.41%
croatian 4.80%
israeli 4.62%
serb 3.86%
russian 3.86%
latest 3.40%
diplomatic 2.61%
recent 1.76%
military + n. >>共 632
official 5.77%
action 3.38%
base 2.80%
commander 2.25%
officer 2.18%
force 2.16%
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source 2.12%
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