81.   A guerrilla group called the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia has opened a new offensive against the government, attacking military bases and other targets.

82.   A federal appeals court ruled Friday that the Defense Department could enforce a law that bars the sale of sexually explicit magazines and videotapes on military bases.

83.   A House committee, chaired by Rep. Barbara Vucanovich, approves increased funds for Nevada military bases.

84.   A column of British and Italian military vehicles poured from the military base near the airport at Petrovec in the afternoon.

85.   A few miles away, near a fort that served as a Taliban military base, five houses seem to have been mistakenly bombed.

86.   A military base is a possibility, but it would have to have private quarters, kitchens and after-hours entertainment worthy of heads of state.

87.   A missable sitcom about the goings-on at a forgotten military base.

88.   A group of people in British Columbia thought the spots came from a nearby military base and worried about potential health risks.

89.   A military alert extended to Acapulco, where the Popular Revolutionary Army reportedly attacked military bases and police stations last week.

90.   A similar agreement has been signed with Ecuador, which allows U.S. drug surveillance planes to fly from a military base in the coastal city of Manta.

a. + base >>共 975
military 25.41%
naval 6.05%
stolen 2.25%
main 1.87%
political 1.87%
american 1.77%
former 1.76%
russian 1.36%
training 1.33%
nearby 1.27%
military + n. >>共 632
official 5.77%
action 3.38%
base 2.80%
commander 2.25%
officer 2.18%
force 2.16%
operation 2.16%
source 2.12%
spokesman 2.04%
leader 1.64%
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