81.   The discovery for which J.J. Thomson is best remembered was made after he installed parallel metal plates in a modified Crookes tube, downstream from the anode.

82.   The frustrating news is that the metal plates and screws leave him vulnerable to continued infection.

83.   The metal plates link the first of the suspected series, the bombings at the Olympics, with two bombs that exploded at the Atlanta abortion clinic last year.

84.   The metal plates and screws are necessary to heal his fractures, but they also inhibit the treatment of infection in the leg.

85.   The only recognizable feature left after a week in the Central American sun was a metal plate from where he broke his left arm.

86.   The plan is to weld the metal plates together and sink them two feet into the ground.

87.   The Rangers forward needed a metal plate and six screws inserted into his arm, but the league said videos of the incident were inconclusive.

88.   The Rat Zapper, Gros explained, is an enclosed rectangular trap that has a floor consisting of two metal plates.

89.   The specially crafted metal plates, corrugated with an abrasive surface, will enable the cars to make better contact with the electrified third rail, Brucker said.

90.   The stabilizer is anchored to the tail of the aircraft with bolts through holes, called lug bores, in thick metal plates.

a. + plate >>共 525
serving 8.46%
metal 7.75%
number 3.80%
individual 3.70%
tectonic 2.99%
large 2.84%
full 2.58%
small 2.53%
warm 2.13%
plastic 1.62%
metal + n. >>共 1168
detector 16.49%
plate 2.24%
bar 1.76%
price 1.54%
door 1.45%
pipe 1.42%
rod 1.35%
part 1.26%
box 1.22%
object 1.16%
每页显示:    共 152